Absolutely amazing 🤩 Well done H! Fantastic photo! Thank you everyone who voted 🐑🌈
At Kellington Primary School, we all believe that the primary phase of education is such an important stage in any child's life. The experiences they receive at our school will lay the foundation for all their future learning and their life ahead. We are preparing the children for their place in the future World, by providing them with hopes, dreams and ambition.
At Kellington we are a committed team, dedicated to ensuring that every child is able to succeed academically, socially, physically and emotionally. The children who we are privileged to work with are at the centre of our planning and we strive to give every child the best teaching and learning experiences, a purposeful and quality school environment and a broad and balanced curriculum, containing an exciting range of opportunities, from which they will learn and develop.
We know that being a village school, developing links with our local community is very important. Effective relationships between home and school are developed - with children at the heart of our conversations and decision making. The wider local community is also a valued and integral part of our school life and we have valuable links with various local groups.
We have wonderful children here at Kellington Primary School and an amazing team of staff. If you would like more information about our school, or would like to organise a visit or taster day, please contact the school office. We look forward to meeting you and your child as you make the important choice about where your child will undertake their school journey.
Melanie Lawrence