Art and Design

Our aim is to develop pupils who are given a lifelong love of art and the confidence to be creative and take risks!

When the team met to develop this framework, there were a number of key things that we felt should be listed as expectations across a pupil’s time in school, but with the flexibility to apply these in a way that suits the context and individuality of each setting.

-Ensuring a range of collaborative and individual work
-The need for pupils to have exposure to a range of historic and contemporary artists
-To experience links to the art industry through visits to galleries/artist in residence
-The opportunity for showcasing of pupils’ artwork through galleries/ exhibitions/ displays and sharing of their sketchbooks
-Place value on pupils’ artistic literacy through vocabulary and analysis skills
-Links to wider global and cultural themes

Throughout their time at Kellington Primary School, the children are given a range of opportunities to explore a wide variety of materials and techniques, developing their skills using the ‘Kapow Primary’ scheme to form the basis of our Art and Design curriculum. The curriculum is progressive and so allows the children to build on skills, knowledge and techniques year on year. 

Throughout each unit, the children build on previous understanding through five areas of content: making skills, generating ideas, formal elements, knowledge of artists and evaluating their work. Various media types are explored within each unit to give the widest possible range of experiences for all children. The materials and media used are revisited throughout units and year groups to ensure progression of skills previously developed. Children have access to key knowledge, language and meanings, through the use of knowledge organisers, in order to understand and readily apply new terminology to their work in Art and across the wider curriculum. 

Through using a comprehensive scheme in line with the National Curriculum expectations, all of our children have the opportunity to meet age related expectations by the end of KS2. The aim is for children to retain and review skills from previous year groups and will be able to use these to develop their artwork. Our children will begin to understand what it means to be an artist and they will be developing their confidence in becoming their own artist.

To support the teaching of art and its place in the world, children learn about famous art movements, artists and designers that have had a profound impact on the world of art and design. Every child at Kellington has the opportunity to study a variety of artists and designers during our termly whole school artist studies.  We also invite parents along to appraise their work.
